Read this if you haven’t worked with AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) 👇

Amrut Patil
1 min readMar 3, 2023


SNS lets you achieve decoupling among services within your application.

Here are 5 key things to remember while working with SNS:

1/ SNS is a managed messaging service offered by AWS.

  • It enables communication between decoupled applications.
  • It operates from the public AWS zone.
  • It has network connectivity with the public internet.

2/ SNS manages the sending and delivery of messages.

The payload size of each message is <= 256 KB.

That means you cannot send large media files.

However, you can send metadata associated with those files.

3/ Topics are the foundational unit of SNS.

  • Any permissions and configuration are performed on SNS topics.
  • Publishers send messages to a topic.
  • Topics have subscribers to which messages are delivered.

4/ Subscribers can be:

  • Email
  • HTTP endpoints
  • SQS
  • Push notifications to mobile
  • SMS messages
  • Lambda function

5/ SNS is a crucial component of many architectural patterns for notifications.

E.g. A typical architectural pattern is configuring CloudWatch alarms to send notifications to SNS topics.

These topics can be further set up to send emails to subscribers of the topic.

So remember…

SNS lets you decouple services as it is based on a pub-sub messaging model.

It is a key building block within a solution architecture if used correctly.


That’s a wrap!

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Amrut Patil

Cloud Software Architect | I help you master AWS Cloud | 4x AWS Certified | Author of The Cloud Playbook Newsletter: